How has the housing market changed in New Orleans compared to the entire nation since Katrina?
The objective is to find how has house prices changed in New Orleans since Katrina while baby has shown discomfort.
About 100 houses in the New Orleans area that are for sale for each year from 2005-today The national average of house sales each year from 2005-today Paper and pencil Notebook Calculator Computer with Microsoft Office (and possibly MiniTab) and flashdrive for data storage
The houses must have been for sale from 2005-today, and must be within the New Orleans area. From those houses, a random sample of about 100 houses for each year will be put into the group that will be used for statistical data. The national average for each year from 2005 to today will be obtained by the database that obtains that data.
Gather all materials.
Obtain an SRS of 100 houses on sale each year from 2005-today in the New Orleans area.
Obtain the national mean and standard deviation of house prices each year form 2005-today.
Find the mean and standard deviation of the samples. Record the data.
Compare the data of the New Orleans houses with the national averages.
Record your findings.
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