Now that I am starting to collect my data with my finished data analysis toolbox, what will I do with this data? If no one knows about it, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing! The data must be displayed in order to have any relevance, so I must find a media outlet in order to get my word across about New Orleans real estate trends. Using data from Latter and Blum Inc/Realtors®, I will have a legitimate report for the media to see. Since the topic of the real estate business has been really hot these past few months due to recent foreclosures and the like, my project is very relevant to the current issues in real estate, which will make it that much easier to find an outlet to use. I could use a television news station to reach a very broad audience, or I could just get an article for the Real Estate section of a local newspaper (Times-Picayune).
If there's one thing that I need to make the project a professional finding, I must make it appeal to my audience. Just saying what the data is just won't cut it. I must explain what this data means, what the trends are in the prices (if any), are the trends (or lack thereof) good or bad, and if the New Orleans area real estate business is getting better or worse. I've heard people say that Louisiana tends to do the opposite of what the rest of the nation is doing in terms of real estate, but what facts are there to (dis)prove it? The data will be used to inform the audience about New Orleans real estate so that potential homebuyers will know what to look forward to from recent sales history. This site ( shows trends in recent years in similar ways that I intend to present the trends that I find. It even shows how and why some trends may be occurring.

This link gives graphs of current trends in the New Orleans area:
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